Movies and Games
Movies and Games

There is a concern among some filmmakers that watching a movie on your phone could lead viewers to miss out on a lot of the effort that went into the visuals. This doesn’t just mean that the resolution or quality of the image is compressed; it means risking people losing out on certain details, framing, and pieces of visual storytelling that were intentionally included. The smaller screen does pose that risk, but it’s difficult to contend with how convenient watching movies on your phone can be.

The same is true of games when you get around to ports of games that were designed for TV screens, but is that simply the way it’s going?

Why It Could Be

With it being so easy, it’s hard to get people not to access things they enjoy in a more convenient way, meaning that instead, the hardware accommodates it. For example, with gaming and streaming shows and movies on your phone being more popular, phone screens are now bigger and capable of presenting content in a higher resolution. This means that there is more incentive to carry on doing so.

Furthermore, as mobile hardware increases, the kinds of games that are capable of being played only become more varied. For instance, casino classics that are played through the best online casinos AU based platforms have to offer will always be popular, but now games can also be developed specifically for the platform that looks more akin to what you’d find on a console.

Why It Won’t Be

Convenience is only one aspect of the argument, however. If most people had to choose between watching something like a movie on their phone screen or on their TV while sitting on their couch, they’d probably choose the latter. It might be primarily in moments when they find themselves away from home that phones become the more convenient option.

Similarly, when it comes to games, there is a subjective element to consider. A lot of the time, console gamers and mobile gamers are seen as entirely different audiences, meaning that the success of one doesn’t necessarily impact the other. This can be seen by looking at the size of both markets. However, with the presence of games that can be played online across platforms, like Fortnite, there is more crossover between these platforms than there has been in the past.

Your Preference

While there are certain voices that might feel as though aspects of an experience are lost when done in a certain way, the ultimate decision as to how these things feel lies with you. If you feel as though the experience of a game or movie is diminished on the phone, you can ignore that prospect entirely to enjoy them however you would rather. That being said, it might also be valuable to recognize when these portable alternatives have value, as having a way to pass the time on a long journey with a few movies can make that time go significantly faster – even if you’re aware of aspects that you might be missing out on.

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