In the REALM of 21st century we have Friends with Benefits, Live in relationships and many more perks offered in the modern era and there’s completely no harm in that rather it’s the symbol of freedom for not just speech but body too.

Welcome to the year 2017 where we are fighting all odds to provide for equal treatment for all in terms of sexuality; each individual should have a choice and right to sexual preference irrespective of their gender. While we champion this cause what we have overlooked is the relationship between love and sex. Ideally both love and sex are the two sides of a same coin since they are both the means and end of human life but unfortunately in the present scenario we have negated love now , as it is considered overrated since ages.

LOVE  is more complex than you can ever imagine

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After travelling down from Romeo-Juliet and Heer-Ranjha times love has evolved a lot and eventually lost its significance to sex which is just another physical need of a human beings that has turned out be insatiable! Getting exposure to everything and anything we have lost the sense of sex which is supposed to be complimentary to love. No doubt sex is pleasurable and an important survival need too but hyping it to the extent that it replicates porn is not justifiable at least to me.

Each individual is in charge of his own happiness but surely not at the cost of other’s; human beings are born free and hence should be set free to love each other too without any obligations so that their love is pure and gentle. In the modern mechanized world porn seems to be the ultimate bible of sex which everyone must confirm to rather than the feelings of love that should be the driving force behind having sex. Experimenting everything that is shown in porn is the new trend, no matter the suitability, intimacy or comfort of your partner which should have been the priority instead.

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Neither having sex or watching porn is a crime or should be termed as a shameful act but engaging in sexual behavior  from the mere influence of porn , having no love or emotion is not only derogatory to love but is also self harming because at the end of the day

Porn is nothing more than REEL life and if you let it drive your REAL life then none but you will be responsible.

All the folks out there fall in love , watch porn, get inspiration but always allow your love to rule your intimate sessions because nothing is more perfect than your love.