’If you want to raise a creative child, you have to teach them to think independently,’ says Adam Grant, teacher at Wharton School of Business, PA, a father of three, and author of a book of psychology.


1. Praise the child, not his or her actions

When my daughter draws a picture, I don’t say, ’Wow, that’s a nice drawing you have!’ Instead, I say, ’Wow, you’re a real talent!’ This helps her realize that she’s talented and unique, and further improves her abilities.
It’s vital at this early age to make them sure what they do and how they do it is right. That way, when they grow up, they won’t lose their creativity, because it will have been an intrinsic part of their childhood.

2. Never make excessive rules

Several years ago, Boston College researchers conducted a study: they compared families of artistically gifted children and those of average ones, and found out that parents in the latter case have a median of six rules that are applied each day (the time to go to bed, the time to do homework, etc.), while the average number of rules in families with gifted kids was less than one.

If you limit your children with lots of rules, they will probably have trouble solving their own problems in the future. They will seek conventional methods and solutions instead of thinking of their own alternative — a non-standard one.

This doesn’t mean there should be no rules at all, however. Overindulgence and freedom of choice are different things.

3. Discuss things together with your children

Another study was conducted among American architects that showed that the parents of the most successful and original among them had used the following pattern to bring them up: they made a general outline of how their kids should behave and explained to them why it was so; they also let their children set their own values within the limits of this outline of their behavior.

When parents and their kids discuss something, the children have the right to prove their opinion and try to find ways to solve problems together, which leads in time to the desire to stand their ground and achieve ever greater success.

Such discussions are also necessary to help your kids think about the consequences of their actions for those around them as well as for themselves. They will therefore acquire a better understanding of questions of morality.
Based on the book by Adam Grant, Originals
Source: businessinsider
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