Of all the marketing campaigns, probably the most important is the one that drives organic traffic to your website. Organically attracting customers is often the most valuable traffic for the business. Web design Chicago is dedicating today’s post to organic marketing, its importance, benefits, advantages and disadvantages, and all the other aspects you should know about to boost your business.

What is organic traffic?

Organic marketing is a digital strategy for generating website traffic naturally. Organic marketing prioritizes value with natural and free tactics for driving traffic. 

Organic marketing examples are blog posts, case studies, unpaid tweets, Youtube videos, guest posts, Facebook updates, and other free content and unpaid advertising.

The organic marketing goal is to increase brand awareness with entertaining and informative content. It aims to attract and convert customers who naturally find brands’ content.

The importance and benefits of organic marketing

The importance of organic marketing for companies primarily reflects in providing a way to generate revenue in the long run. An effective organic marketing strategy creates a perpetual source of traffic. Optimizing your website content for search engines will improve your website’s discoverability. 

The benefits and advantages of organic marketing are:

  • Increases brand awareness 
  • Motivates an emotional connection of customers toward the brand
  • Creates loyal customers
  • Builds trust by offering valuable and relevant content to customers and answering their questions. 
  • Induces the search engine in your site relevancy for the searchers’ queries
  • It targets users’ questions rather than offering products that build credibility.
  • Creating informative and educational content helps build authority in a brand’s domain and industry.
  • Organic marketing stands at the top of the tunnel
  • It`s cost-effective

 Disadvantages of organic marketing:

  • It takes time to bring the results
  • Although it doesn’t cost much, it requires quite an effort to create an organic marketing strategy
  • If companies goal is immediate traffic and revenue, this type of marketing is inadequate for bringing instant results

Differences between organic and paid marketing

Having a closer look at how organic and paid marketing differs provides an opportunity to take advantage of both and determine which strategy will better meet your goals.

  1. Contrary to organic marketing which generates customers over time and generates gradual results, paid marketing is efficient in directly targeting the audience, reaching and converting leads expeditiously.
  1. Some studies suggest that organic marketing drives 53% of traffic while paid marketing  27%. These statistics are supported by the fact that people more value and trust organic results than paid ads.
  1. Unlike paid marketing which costs the company for every click, organic marketing costs little or no money. 
  1. Paid marketing brings the result until you are paying for it and its effects and traffic will stop as soon as you stop paying. The results of organic marketing have a prolonged and compound effect and drive the results even long after launching this strategy.
  1. Paid marketing is sales-oriented and focused on some direct actions. On the other hand, organic marketing is concentrated on “mouth-to-mouth” marketing that increases brand awareness and on engaging customers.
  1. Paid marketing requires buying ads while organic marketing is requisite for quality content.
  1. While paid marketing has control over targeting, organic traffic has less control over directing the campaign.
  1. Paid marketing is considered intrusive, while organic is less obtrusive.
  1. Organic marketing archives a higher CTR than paid marketing.

Challenges of organic marketing

Contrary to paid marketing, the ROI of organic marketing is harder to measure. As organic marketing relies on real people with actual questions, you can`t make a significant influence to make them share or like your content, however, you can win them with genuine, interesting, and valuable content. Creating such content will gain users’ trust and respect and encourage them to share your content organically.

How to run an organic marketing strategy?

Organic marketing requires a consistent and long-term effort, that will show their compound results in the future. To boost your organic marketing strategy consider the following tips:

Analyze your ongoing traffic

Analyze your current traffic and determine which of the digital channels brings the most traffic whether that is a website, social media, knowledgebase, blog, email, Youtube channel, or other. After identifying the most efficient channel and content that your target audience prefers, it will be easy for you to direct and create content that will meet their needs.

Create relevant content

After determining your most efficient channel, generating content that is highly relevant to your target audience is a principle.

Segmenting your target audience will help you create personalized emails.

Research high-value keywords in your business industry.

Connect with online groups and communities

Find the communities and groups within your business domain and share the informative and relevant content. This will promote your service or product naturally and establish authority within the niche.

Improve content visual aspects

Don`t neglect the impact of visual elements on the audience. It can efficiently attract users’ attention and interest the readers. Use various types of visualas such as GIFs, images, videos, memes, quotes, screenshots, infographics, and others.

Final Thoughts

While organic marketing is an excellent digital marketing strategy, remember that for a successful business, you should consider all methods and not limit them to one strategy. Combining organic and paid digital marketing tactics bring the most of all and the best overall outcome for your business.

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