“Brazen” gets its importance from metal, which is the best metal for battling fires attributable to its quality and strength. It is maybe nothing unexpected, at that point, that Aishwarya Choudhary utilized Shameless as the title of her lyric, which is a tribute to ladies who are proudly and savagely themselves.

The 24-year-old actress and freelance writer thought of her ballad (video below) remembering individuals, particularly ladies, who have assembled the valor to indicate audacious insubordination despite judgment or unthinkable.

Brazen by Aishwarya Choudhary

This is for all those unapologetic women who live their lives free and fearlessly.

You see me as weak-kneed,
but look deep into my eyes
take a glimpse of my soul
shiver, shudder, realize
that I am brazen and bold.
Because my intentions are clear,
and I put my foot down.
Because I choose to be free
unleashed, unbound.

I observe what I see,
I decide where to be,
I choose what I wear,
and I choose what to think.
fearlessly, without effort or worry,
I choose to be free.
Because freedom is not an allowance,
it’s mine to breathe.

But the look on your face
when I walk the ways
you think are unsuitable,
and speak of things that make you uncomfortable
says that behind that veil,
you are quite vulnerable.
I am only letting you know
that the likes of me,
have been here before
and in wars of history, they’ve been fabled.

Don’t tell me how I am loud
and too full of passion
that sometimes I am gullible in an unsound fashion
that I thank too many times
when I think you’re kind.
That I make mistakes,
sometimes correct them, sometimes forsake.
I know this all, and I know this well.
I won’t apologize for this, I never shall.

It’s not just me,
’cause brazen is a breed.
And sometimes it seems
you can’t yet see
that we are waterfalls –
strength and direction.
We are mountains,
beyond you, high with ambition.
We are forests with life –
deep and resilient.
We are deserts,
devoid of restrictions.
We are celestial
because when we love,
we stir a riot in your name.

Yes, we are mad
a little too extra
so flawed
so difficult
We are crazy,
We’re lunatics
and eccentric
We’re vibrant,
We’re dynamic.
Anything, honestly,
anything but apologetic.
And this part of our lives is called
‘Zero Regrets’.
