These above could be significantly more than a couple sentences or a couple dreams, however unfortunately, regularly than not, they are definitely not. Why? All due to a reason that the vast majority of us are excessively lethargic, making it impossible to think about or excessively pleased, making it impossible to be connected with.

This short 2-minute video by Desi Talkies apropos catches this “why” more or less. Look at it!
In this age of modernisation still we are facing the evil pratice of Female Foeticide against women in the society.These children who get killed by us,Could have create a remarkable history and help in nation’s Development.To spread awareness of Stopping sex Selective Abortion,Our latest Video Discusses The issue.Beti bachao!!

I am a doctor.
I am a pilot.
I am an athlete.
I am a mother.
I am a daughter.
I am a WOMAN.