One of the first things to consider for a job interview is self-confidence. Confidence in one’s abilities, aptitudes, and skills. 

In addition, values, authenticity, and honesty in dealing are increasingly appreciated in organizations. It is not whether you are shy or extroverted but transparent in how you act and communicate. And values such as respect and punctuality, among others, will be highly valued during evaluation.

And if you want the interview to be a success, we invite you to read the following recommendations by wowessays

The Resume

The résumé is one of the first things that should be at hand at the time of a job interview, in addition to the support that gives validity to the titles achieved as well as any course or activity that reflects your capabilities. 

Taking into account that today more than ever, organizations value all activities that demonstrate the interviewee’s potential and contribute a plus to the organization.

Part of the success of the interview lies in the interest and information that the interviewee has about the organization, which demonstrates that they share the organization’s values. That is to say, if it is an organization whose social responsibility is oriented towards ecology, then the interviewee’s ecological awareness will be highly valued, in the same way if the organization is dedicated to technology, and production, among others.  


Following Jürgen Klaric’s eighth principle in his book Neuro Oratory, the interaction goes beyond the curricular synthesis or the titles you have achieved, and it has more to do with energy than anything else. In other words, interaction is the art or quality of knowing how to perform in public and connect with the energy of others.

Many are born with this natural gift; however, it is also developed through certain techniques, the most important thing for this to work is to be authentic and honest in dealing with others, something increasingly valued by organizations. For which, you have to start by exercising certain skills:

The Look: It is one of the golden rules to establish eye contact with the person or people who are interviewing you. In this case, it is essential to create a good synergy.

In his book “The Hidden Dimension,” Edward Hall highlights the importance of the looking, for its power to punish, instill encouragement, or establish dominance. The gaze indicates interest or dislike, and it can be used to include others or exclude them.

Empathy: Jeremy Rifkin, social scientist, defines empathy as: “the process that allows a person to enter into the being of another, and that allows him to know how he feels and how he thinks.”

Therefore, empathy is as necessary for the interviewer as it is for the interviewee, but, as the cause we are dealing with is the interviewee, they must be sure of them self, of their qualities, and even of his/her weaknesses.

The Posture: The body language is another determining factor for the interview, this will speak for itself of how you feel. Therefore, the most advisable is to feel self-confident in our qualities, skills, and abilities, but also from the knowledge of our weaknesses.

Since all this emotionality will be reflected in our body and transmitted from the inside out, emotional intelligence is becoming more and more meaningful in all aspects of our lives, even in job interviews.

The Message

The Message in the interview is transmitted from beginning to end, both by the interviewer and the interviewee. The interviewer usually conveys from the beginning what the organization is seeking for itself, and at the same time, through the questions, tries to determine the plus that the interviewee offers. 

Thus, it will be up to the interviewee to demonstrate that they are the right person for the position they aspire to in the organization and to convey what qualities or skills they can bring to the organization.

The message to be well transmitted must meet three maxims, proposed by Paul Grice, an English philosopher, who finds in it a linguistic-philosophical foundation:

Quantity: Said by the author, it is necessary to try to make the information as explanatory as necessary, but not more than what is required.

Quality: Be relevant to the information. That is well-selected information at the time of the interview.

Manner: Said to the author, it is convenient to be clear, that is, avoid very technical expressions and ambiguity, and also be concrete and organized with the ideas.


Credibility is the quality of believability, which is only gained through the trust generated by the interviewee. But, since time is so short to measure credibility, it will be gained through the feedback that originates from the interview.

However, the credibility that a person transmits is part of the set of values immersed in their personality, which will be reflected in every event of their life, and even in a short job interview.

Сredibility is a value that can be built and promoted through integrity, which consists of the congruence between what you do and what you say, in addition to attitudes aimed at the common good.

It also includes the capabilities, knowledge, skills, abilities, aptitudes, and style, and the trajectory results, which will also be responsible for building a good reputation. 


The mood is vital when attending an interview since it will be reflected in your face and body. You must be in a receptive and light mood for the interview to go smoothly. Otherwise, the interview will become dense and unpleasant.

The state of mind is much more valued nowadays than before since the idea that it has the capacity to make organizations sick or to enrich them is becoming more and more consolidated.  

For this reason, emotional intelligence is gaining more and more ground in the business world. Since it is considered that emotionally healthy employees will contribute to the organization having a healthy atmosphere and, consequently, a better flow of ideas and daily work. 

Loosen the muscles:  This consists of walking while gently moving your arms. But, he also recommends changing to the opposite posture as quickly as possible, that is, if you are walking, sit down immediately and try to relax, or on the contrary, if you are sitting, stand up immediately and walk quickly. 

Walk like a child: The second thing that Jürgen Klaric recommends is precisely to imitate the way children walk, for which you have to move fast and try small jumps. Swing your legs from the hip and also swing your arms, and finally, look around, fix your eyes on the sky, and try not to look at the floor.

Keep your eyes smiling: The exercise consists of the following, ыmile with your whole face, not just your mouth. It is essential that you learn to smile with your eyes. Let your smile fade little by little, but not completely.

This consists of maintaining the upward undulation of the muscles of the lower eyelid, this author recommends practicing it for several days in order to make it a natural part of the gestures of the face, and even when you are not smiling, your face will look calm and pleasant.  

Singing: One of the author’s final recommendations is to sing since it has been proven by Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) that choosing happy songs with a lively rhythm, and singing them for 5 or 10 minutes, frees the mood from a negative anchorage.

This is because singing out loud unlocks the internal dialogue and frees the inner self from the negative mood it may be experiencing at the time.

Losing the fear of Making Mistakes

Going blank: Going blank can happen, given that, in the face of stress, the nervous system enters a state of alert associated with dangerous situations. It is a biological and complex process related to the adrenal glands, and the hippocampus, among other factors.

In these cases, the most advisable thing to do is to try to resume the rhythm in a calm manner and acknowledge your nerves to your interviewer if necessary, but not to stay anchored in that state.  

Projecting insecurity: To gain confidence in an interview, it is necessary to be well prepared on topics related to your profession and, in particular, the organization’s objectives.

Poor diction: Good diction is necessary to communicate, especially in public, so it is recommended that people who find it difficult to pronounce certain words practice with tongue twisters so that their diction becomes more fluent. 

Distracting agents: Distracting agents can correspond to both physical and emotional factors, i.e., it can refer to a family problem that does not allow you to concentrate on the interview or to a rather tight outfit that does not allow you to breathe.

There can be an assortment of factors, but as long as it is not a serious situation, try as much as possible to control yourself and not allow this factor to interfere with the interview.

Neurolinguistic Programming for Public Speaking

In order to achieve good communication, the following rules are essential:

  • Respect the human being with whom we communicate.
  • Recognize that we do not own the truth.
  • Do not judge, compare, or belittle.
  • Share experiences and feelings.
  • Learn from mistakes and move forward.

These, among others, are some of the many recommendations for neurolinguistic programming to perform in public, considering that it is connected to emotional intelligence.

Since NLP aims to modify behavior through verbal language, emotional intelligence talks about modifying it by knowing and recognizing our emotions and healthy management of these.

For this reason, before going to a job interview, try not only to relax but to deeply recognize your emotions without invalidating yourself, do it in an understanding way, with an honest recognition of your strengths and weaknesses.

SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis is one of the techniques par excellence to delimit a certain situation to know its pros and cons. In this sense, about the job interview.

To make a SWOT analysis of the interview, you must define your strengths with respect to the organization in which you aspire to work, but at the same time set your weaknesses with respect to it.

But also delimit the possible threats and opportunities you face.


It must be taken into account that public speaking is an art, but it is an art that can be learned with patience and discipline. The important thing is to enjoy the experience and not become a tortuous or boring event.  

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