Protein Milk

Holle organic baby formula has been winning the love and trust of parents and their babies for more than eight decades. Excellent quality, organic raw materials, an ethical approach to the environment, and baby food production remain the hallmarks of this brand.

Holle offers a wide range of formulas for babies from the first days of life to 24+ months.

The main issue when choosing Holle Bio – baby formula from Germany is its milk base: organic cow’s or goat’s milk. However, once the difference between the two is clear, this problem does not arise, especially if the decision is made after comparing the ingredients of the milk formula with the composition of breast milk and consulting a pediatrician. 

Nutrition Facts: Goat Milk vs. Cow Milk

It is worth mentioning that human and animal milk differ significantly in composition. What cow’s milk and goat’s milk have in common is a high protein content: 2.8-3 times higher than in breast milk. The lactose (milk sugar) level in cow’s milk differs little; it is 1.5 times lower than that of breast milk. 

The vitamin content of cow’s milk and goat’s milk is unequal. Compared to cow’s milk, goat’s milk contains twice as much vitamin A, but it contains five times less folic acid and four times less vitamin B12, essential for normal clotting. Their deficiency can lead to anemia. As for vitamins B1, B2, B6, and D, their content in cow’s and goat’s milk is similar but differs from the level in breast milk. At the same time, goat’s milk has several advantages over cow’s milk, namely, easier absorption of protein and fat.

In the context of infant formula consumption, the differences between cow’s milk, goat’s milk, and breast milk outlined above are not the final indicators. The product’s composition is not only the milk base but also the combination of all the formula components under the international standards of the required nutritional value of the formula. 

Holle Cow Milk Formula

Holle Cow Milk Infant Formula is an excellent and nutritionally balanced option for replacing breast milk or as a part of a mixed diet. Holle offers this baby formula in the following stages: 

Stage Pre – from birth

Stage 1 – from birth

Stage 2 – from 6 months

Stage 3 – from 10 months

Stage 4 – from 12 months

The advantage of Holle’s cow’s milk is its processing method, which ensures the high nutritional value of the formula and its closeness to breast milk. 

Organic cow’s milk, vitamin and mineral content, high technological standards of production, and a complete ban on the use of GMOs, artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives make this formula one of the best organic baby food options. 

Holle Goat Milk Formula

Holle Goat Milk Formula is a good alternative to cow’s milk formula. It is designed to be similar to breast milk in terms of nutritional value and protein structure. The production quality and formula stages are not inferior to other Holle formulas. So, what are the benefits of Holle goat milk for babies?

Many parents prefer goat’s milk formula from Organic’s Best, as babies tolerate and digest it more easily. Thus, comfortable digestion contributes to the better well-being of the baby.

This formula contains vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids (DHA and ARA) that positively affect the infant’s growth and development. 

And this defines one undeniable advantage: Holle Goat milk formula can be used to feed healthy babies and those with functional disorders of the GI tract or the risk of developing allergies. 

Important! Pediatricians consider it unacceptable to use goat’s milk for dietary therapy in case of an allergy. It has been established that more than 90% of infants with an allergy to cow’s milk protein develop a cross-allergic reaction to goat and sheep milk.

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