Every moment of our lives we are surrounded by noise, and we are so adapted to this acoustic pollution that we regard it as normal background noise, not paying attention to the sounds of crowds, traffic, music, or TV.


1. Silence aids in brain cell regeneration.

According to a 2013 study of the influence of different noise levels on mice, two hours of silence a day helped form new cells in the hippocampus — the area of the brain that is responsible for learning abilities, memory, and emotions.

2. Silence makes us more creative.

Our brain is active even when our body rests. During resting hours, it processes and adopts the information received during the day. When this process goes well, without diverting to noises or any other interference, the brain turns on the mode that integrates emotions and memories, arouses imagination, and opens up our capabilities. As a result of being in silence, we become more creative and open to the world.

3. Silence lifts stress and tension.

It is proven that constant noise affects our brain, which leads to an increase in stress hormone levels. Silence, on the contrary, has quite the opposite effect; absence of noise irritants lifts the tension in our brain and body. Researchers monitored the changes in blood pressure and circulation values, and came to the conclusion that two minutes of quiet are more effective in terms of relaxation than listening to any kind of relaxing music.

4. Silence replenishes our mental resource.

Noise gets in the way of our solving problems, both in studies and at work; it can be a reason for decrease in motivation, attention, and increase in the number of mistakes. Some studies have shown that children living or going to school near busy streets or railroad tracks have lower grades in reading and languages than those kids who live in quieter areas. However, there is a pleasant addition to this rule: the brain can restore what was lost as a result of noise pollution.
Source: lifehack