We’ve all had those nights where we’ve drank a little too much, gone overboard and then regretted it immensely the next morning. The next morning is filled with hazy memories, a lot of regret and a hangover from hell. Your first reaction is to go through your phone to get a record of everything you’ve done and then to call your friends to ask them “really, how bad was it?” If you’ve had one of these mornings, then this list is for you.

1. Your phone is filled with pictures of new friends you made last night.

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2. Your phone is still buzzing with messages from your credit card company.

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3. Your phone screen is cracked and you have no idea how it happened.

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4. You sent drunk texts to multiple people including your ex.

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5. You have no idea what conversations you’ve had with people but you have a feeling that you spilled more
than a few secrets.

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6. You’re still in your last night’s clothes lying almost dead on your bed.

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7. You finally decided to get off your bed only to realise you’ve bruised yourself in several places.

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8 .Your friends cannot stop calling you and telling you about the drunken shenanigans you pulled last night.

Image Courtesy : Giphy