Look at these 7 arcade video games that will fill us with nostalgia:

1. Galaxian

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It is controversial! With its dive-bombing aliens, iconic sound effects and twitch-perfect arcade action, it is perfect to give your nostalgia. Moreover, it has the coolest name of any game on this list.

2. Donkey Kong

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Who doesn’t love Mario?  Donkey King made his debut in this puzzle-platformer too, in which Mario must jump barrels and other hazards to race to the top of the tower and save his beau. It’s a stone-cold arcade classic and one that’s sparked many a gamer rivalry.

3. Pokemon

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The Pokémon franchise is one of the favorite games for most of the people. There are about thousand versions of Pokémon game. The main highlights of the game are to have a digital pet or a digital Pokémon. You simply have to train it, battle with other players and control your whole Pokémon career.

4. Time Crisis

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Namco’s Time Crisis added a pedal to let players take cover, which brought a realism and depth of gameplay that had been missing from previous charge-through shooters. As a result, it is still one of the best ways to kill 20 minutes in a motorway service station.

5. Golden Axe

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The best from a huge selection of side-scrolling fighting games you could spend playing the whole day. With excellent two-player swordplay, scantily-clad characters and some ludicrous enemies, it is worth every penny.

6. Mercs

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Ported to many consoles and computers, it has landed at the height of the Hollywood obsession with testosterone-fuelled action films, and is perfect for serving up that macho, kill-anything-that-moves fix. Ported to many consoles and computers, it has landed at the height of the Hollywood obsession with testosterone-fuelled action films, and is perfect for serving up that macho, kill-anything-that-moves fix.