The relationship between a brother and a sister is that of teasing each other. They can pull each other’s legs all day long without any fail. They never leave a chance of putting each other down in front of their friends and family. This relationship is a mischievous one but it blossoms with love

Here are few of the things that every behana wants her Brother to do at her wedding

Assure her that you are always there to help her

Keep the Unwanted people away from her

Ask her from time to time if she wants you to get her anything from the market.

she would want you to help her to book the vendors.

Feed her while she is getting her mehndi done

she would love to see you dance at her wedding

Be her support because she can have a break down at any moment

Ensure her that his place is equally hers. Her marriage is not going to change that.

Hold her while she walks down the aisle.

Let her know that she always has a protector in him