Looking for a job is like dating. If you’re not careful, you could end up with a dud.

Just think, eight hours a day (or more!) of sheer misery could be yours should you choose poorly. But you won’t because you’re smarter than that.

No, when you interview, you’ll be on the lookout for red flags. You’ll scope out the office for telltale signs of a toxic boss and burnt out employees, and you won’t end up in a job that sucks.

If an interviewer ever says something completely ass-backward like “We’re looking for a rock star ninja beast for a unique opportunity,” please, do yourself a favor, cut your losses and bail.

If a cheapskate potential future boss asks you to pay for your own background check, abandon ship and fast. Something is rotten in cubicle land.

If employees look like extras from The Walking Dead, assuming cold, dead stares when the big, mean boss barges in the room, save yourself. Run while you can. That could be you.

Just in case you job hunt with blinders on, or are beyond tone deaf when listening to your gut, check out the infographic below. It’s chock full of glaring red flags that, no, sir, you should not take that job. This little gem — complete with an image of a worker in a suit on the office floor, writhing in the fetal position — comes to us by way of the cheeky and apparently giddily employed folks at Approved Index, a U.K.-based B2B products and services provider.

Take it in and don’t take the wrong job.


Source: Entrepreneur.com

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