Every time i login to any social networking website i see post regarding “sex” in 50 shades. But after reading the book i believe people have created this myth that the book is just about sex and all about it. Things you definitely didn’t know about 50 shades of grey: –

1. Breaking news people it is not a sex novel. It is romantic drama for adults.


2. No, it is not negative. It has love, last time i checked love was supposed to be a positive thing.


3. The book consumes you. It has such a passionate love story and it takes love to whole new level.


4. It shows the power of love, what love can do to you. Sex is just a part of it. People in love have sex, everyone does that but why create an issue out of it when someone has dared to mention it in detail.


5. BDSM is not forced; it is practiced by variety of people willingly. And there are healthy and ethical ways to consensually combine sex and pain.


6. No, it doesn’t also promote BDSM. No where in the trilogy it says try it.


7. It is nothing like twilight. Never ever compare it.


What disgust me the most is when people make faces and uses word like “porn” for the book without having read it.
I would suggest everyone to read it before seeing it because i really don’t know if the movie is going to do justice to the book or not.
READ IT! Before making any perceptions. Understand the book. It will definitely change your view.

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