Everyone likes to laugh, and its more interesting when even strict and serious parents can crack a joke from time to time.

1. My hubby decided to clean our daughter’s doll’s face with an alcoholic wipe. To fix the situation, he took eyes from a photo in a newspaper.

2. When parents have a funny sense of humor

3. This is either a good joke or a parenting method.

4. Ooops Caring father

5. I opened a Christmas gift to find a cool camera lens, only to realize it was a secondhand travel mug. Well played, Mom and Dad.

6. Please, Dad.

7. Don’t ask to compete for who is better at LEGO if you don’t know how to lose. Does this make me a bad dad?

8. I’m a good parent.

9. My parents said we had a younger brother, but he didn’t like to take a bath and turned into a mushroom.

10. This mom needs an Oscar.

11. A smart parent knows how to give medicine to a child.